
Concept Explanation


Paintings: They illustrate the artistic progress of the time. They also tell us about the nature of society- the way of dressing, the customs followed, Important events, the life of the common people.

India had a fine tradition in the art of painting . Most of the paintings of the early medieval period were based on religious themes and showed episodes. from the Hindu epics , or Jain and Buddhist literature. The exquisite, beautifully coloured paintings at Ajanta and Ellora were created between 600 and 1000 CE . The paintings and sculptures are devoted to Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism.Most of the paintings tel ancient tales of country life and depict Buddhist stories from the Jataka Tales.

During the period of the Delhi sultans , the art of painting declined as the rulers obeyed the teaching of the Quran , which discouraged the reproduction of the human form through sculptures  and paintings .

The rule of the Mughals saw the revival of the best in paintings , and it marked an important stage in the growth of this art.Humayun brought two famous persian painters with him, Mir Sayyid Ali and Abdus Samad. they introduced the art of miniature paintings to India Miniature paintings are small , but highly detailed paintings.


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